Thursday, January 26, 2012


 Each flower shown here was created from a single piece of cloth. First they were folded from end to end and then hand painted. One of a kind for your one and only.

Royal Lilly
on canvas

single rose
no canvas

                                                                                                       individual lilly
                                                                                              Private Collection

Love & Friendship
on canvas

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mistakes to Avoid on Valentine's Day

One in five guys will text their loving message on Valentine’s Day and one in ten will take to email. That doesn't even factor Facebook and Twitter professions of love. As sweet as 140 characters can be, old-school letters are more romantic. One survey found the obvious: women would be disappointed by an electronic gesture of affection.
Why it’s bad: In terms of effort, it’s minimal. It also brings a third party into your affair: your P.D.A. (your Personal Digital Assistant, not public displays of affection). It should be a given to turn it off during your candlelit dinner, but using it to profess love is detached.
The fix: Buy a blank card or take a photo of the two of you and write a message on the back. It doesn't have to be long, it can even be a quote from your favorite song. But in this technological world, handwriting holds a certain intimacy. If words just aren't your thing, make a mix CD and write out the songs in pen. Your music choices will do
The Real Fix - Love Notes and My Heart cards by JaMax
They're blank inside so you can really say What's On Your Heart!

 excerpt from: Yahoo! Shine

Little note cards that come with adhesive to stick a little love around
Little notes with envelopes to seal that special message

My Heart cards by JaMax
blank on the inside - awaiting your most intimate thoughts


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why You Should Send a Love Quote

Love quotes and poems: Why should you send one at least a day
Love quotes are the ideal ways to impress your loved one or to make their day special. It enlightens their spirits and makes them start their day with a smile on their lips and joy in their hearts. Sending a quote every day to your beloved have ample reason, and surely you would never want to do something for your lover, just because there is a reason right? You would be in fact doing things out of the love you have for the other and the special place held by them in your heart. Anyways, enumerating the reasons, love quotes helps in conveying the deepest of emotions present with oneself, it enables in keeping ones relations fresh and lively always, keeps a coordination between the heart beats, to bring a wonderful smile on your beloved’s lips  and also to remind both of you about the aspect of real joy in one’s life. If you are confused on how to go about it, it is very simple. Just browse on net using the words, love quotations or quotes on love or love quotes etc, and you would be directed to various sites. Once you find the fitting quote which you like, simply send or give it to your beloved. Believe me, this works wonders. So the next time you think of giving something special for your beloved that day, never forget about these lovely love quotes.


Top 100 Love Quotes:

Love Notes and My Heart cards by JaMax


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Share Love All Year Long


Express your love throughout  the year with Love Notes by JaMax. These little note cards come with adhesive to stick any where you want to leave a little love to be unexpectedly found. Or, they can come with an envelope to seal your special message.

Take technology out of your way and replace it with a good old-fashioned, hand written note.

Different ways to spread the love:

  • Use notes as a coupon - Good for a night on the town, Good for 1 movie night, Good for 1 back rub
  • Use notes to write your favorite quotes or song lyrics
  • Use notes like fortune cookies
  • Use notes as random acts of kindness 
  • Use notes to recall a special memory
  • Use notes as Thank You cards
  • Use notes as gift tags

These little Love Notes can be placed in so many different locations like: lunch bags, shoes, mirrors, car dashboards, drawers, computer monitors, etc.