Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Spiritual Connection

Recently a friend who did not know my whole story about how and when I started doing cloth sculptures wrote and told me, "I can feel a spiritual connection through your art." It was then that I explained the spiritual side to my artwork.

It is true that I pray over all my pieces since 1996 especially for the area of healing. Not only do I sanctify (set aside for the use and purpose of God) the cloth, but whenever possible I have even had ministers pray over the cloth that I use. I believe just as people brought cloths for Jesus to pray over and they took them back with the anointing over them for healing, I asked God for the same to be over my art made of the cloth that has been prayed over. 

Because of how I first got started doing this art form (see "The First Piece" blog) I always  acknowledge God in thanksgiving and prayer before I work on the pieces. I then submit myself to Holy Spirit and ask for him to guide & direct my hands while creating. It is truly a commune with God while I work on these pieces. I thank God for His presence being acknowledged before I could fully share my testimony. As for me, I find it difficult to separate God, creation, & art. For He is the ultimate creator and everyday He paints a new sunset.


Sunset - sold