Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Commission Update

Hello, all. Quite a while back I shared that I was working on a new project, well now I've had some more time to work on it and thought I'd show it as its progressing till finally I'll reveal the finished work. The pics below represent a piece I've been commissioned to make called The Hand-Off. It's the arm of the runner holding the baton and the arm of the next leg in a relay.

It will be painted in the colors to match the room that it will go into. I ask my patrons to send me paint swatches that match the colors in the room so the piece is literally made for the wall that it will go on. Each arm of the runner will be on it's own canvas 12x30 canvas. The arms are also one complete continuous piece of muslin folded in the shape of the uniform and arm. The plan is to also have the baton be continuous from the one hand. Because the hands will be the last details to fold, secure, and paint I'm not sure whether the baton will continue or need to be its own piece of cloth. There is much to do still as the canvases have to be painted and then the torsos attached. Enjoy the early photos and remember I'm not through yet.

Initial fold 1st canvas - arm with baton
more folding done 1st canvas
More folding of 2nd canvas
1st canvas with some paint and the initial folding of 2nd canvas

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